Three-(3) Goss SSC 4-high towers with;
- Lever style inking Sock dampening
o Quad Tech motorized register with touchscreen control at console Slot style plate cylinders & Reel rod blankets
o (3/8” non-print) for 21.5” image area
- Central grease lubrication blocks for operator side
- Pneumatic throw off functions
- Full page motorized compensators
- Two clutches for silencing four highs that are not in use
One- (1) mono unit with matching features, except with manual registration
One- (1) Goss SSC folder
- Half and quarter folder, Two sets of nips, Reverse fly delivery & Pneumatic trolleys
Four (4)- Manual rollstands
- Two bi-directional chrome plated angle bar assemblies with 4.5 HP blowers for each
One (1)- Water system including automix
One (1)- 150 HP controller & motor
One (1)- 125 HP controller & motor
One (1)- Plate bender
One (1)- Master operator console